Even as restrictions are being lifted, life is not “normal”.
Carlos Torelli, Professor at Geis Business Institute, has suggested the following 4 psychological responses to the events happening:
1 – Behavioural Immune System
any deviation from the “norm” may be interpreted
as evidence of infection
avoidance of used products, possible
emphasis on cleanliness
racial discrimination
2 – Conformist Behaviour
seek the familiar
behavioural conformity to majority opinion
liking familiar traits
3 – Social Avoidance
more introverted
less tolerant of foreigners
take fewer risks
4 – Thinking about their own death
focus on safety
cultural views
Western and Eastern cultures really differ
Western bias is based upon external causes (germ transmission), as shown through the detection process
Eastern cultures are attributed more to internal
causes, shown through focus on safety and normal behaviour.
It is easy to see all of these responses in the world today.
How do these responses transfer to customer buying behaviour?
People like something familiar.
sure you are the one they see first!
Buying from someone they know and trust. Buy local first!
Until people feel fully safe to shop otherwise, online purchasing is here to stay.
With so many unemployed, needs outweigh wants. People are shopping less for extras and more for everyday. Initially, there will probably be a surge on extras as people get out a little, but there is little extra in the purse these days.
Are you going to continue your on-line presence?
People need to feel they are safe. What are you doing to keep them safe? Cleaning, masks, acceptance are just some of the ways.
Customer service. Now more than ever people need to feel more human and less like a number. Even a simple "thank you for shopping at our location" speaks volumes.
How has the new "Work from Home" paradigm changed your stock demands? More casual clothing? More technology?
What changes have you seen that are different from what you expected?
The coming months will definitely show some new trends and spending patterns. We all will be watching and changing with the times...
Follow the blog and watch for other comments to see what else is happening...
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